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Join us for a six-part webinar series on construction workforce training with Robby Schwarz. Schwarz works with industry partners and builders offering a complete set of research, training, consulting, energy modeling, code and program compliance, inspections and diagnostics services designed to help clients build homes that perform. Schwarz has been a champion of the applied building science industry for over 25 years and founded BUILDTank, Inc. 

Presented by: The City of Fort Collins, Xcel Energy and NoCo HBA

The Foundation: Basic Building Science

July 10, 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.

July 10

Building Science has become entrenched in the residential IECC.  We need to have an overview understanding to ensure that we can interpret the code properly to create homes that perform.

Pathways of Compliance & the Structure of the Residential IECC

July 17, 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.

July 17

There are four pathways of compliance that a builder can choose to use to build a house.  Some offer more flexibility than others.  Some help builders determine how to build the most cost effective, well-performing, code compliant house. Others don’t.  Which is right for you?

Inspecting & Implementing the Residential IECC

July 24, 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.

July 24

The IECC has many mandatory requirements that must be implemented regardless of the compliance path that is chosen. Let’s discuss what these are and how to comply with them to achieve the best performing house possible.

Blower Door & Duct Leakage Testing & Ventilation

July 31, 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.

July 31

House tightness, duct leakage, and ventilation are mandatory in the residential IECC. Learning about each of them is essential to successfully implementing the IECC and receiving a Certificate of Occupancy, but more importantly creating a house that performs

Infiltration vs. Ventilation vs. Manual

August 7, 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.

August 7

House tightness, duct leakage, and ventilation are mandatory in the residential IECC. Learning about each of them is essential to successfully implementing the IECC and receiving a Certificate of Occupancy, but more importantly creating a house that performs.

Intro to DOE Zero Energy Ready Homes

August 14, 8:00 - 10:00 a.m.

August 14

Zero Energy Homes are all the buzz these days. The DOE Zero Energy Ready home program leverages the program requirements of the Energy Star and Indoor Air Plus programs to create an independent program with 7 additional requirements.  It is not as far a reach as most builders expect. This session breaks down the requirements and programs to give you a clear understanding of how to start and be successful when building to the Zero Energy Ready Home.

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