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City of Fort Collins - A Message from the Chief Building Official


Dear Stakeholders, The 1st quarter of 2021 is almost at a close. Building Services continues to operate under COVID-19 guidelines and restrictions. Please read on for important updates and reminders. Thank you, Rich Anderson Chief Building Official City of Fort Collins 970-416-2748

Building Valuation Formula UpdateEffective April 1, 2021, we will be updating the Building Valuation Data (BVD) for all projects. Currently the City of Fort Collins utilizes a BVD published in 2008 to verity all valuations. This policy is created using the ICC 2018 Building Valuation Data. Furthermore, Valuation should be the actual material and labor costs and not less than the minimum per square foot costs specified here:Building Valuation Formula

Walk-in Hours Update

  • We are requesting that all business be conducted electronically. If you need to meet in person, please make an appointment prior to coming to our location. For virtual permit applications, please visit our web site at or contact us at or 970-416-2740 for assistance.

  • Building hours are Monday-Thursday from 9AM to 12PM, and from 1PM to 4PM. The building will remain closed on Fridays.

    • Note: we are still working on Fridays, the building is just not open to the public.

  • During the hours the building is closed, we are still available to provide service electronically or by phone. In addition, we have a large blue drop box outside next to the northwest employee entrance in the back of the building that is checked 2-3 times per day.


  • All permit requests are being accepted in digital format

    • We ask that anyone submitting permit applications establish a Trust account with us. This will help streamline the permitting process and help us help you. For more information about setting up a trust account click here or email us at

  • Coming Soon:

    • We are currently developing a streamlined online permitting program. This process should be completed in the 2nd quarter of this year. This process will be for over-the-counter permits only, allowing contractors to obtain these permits rapidly.

    • We are also developing an online payment option to allow all fees to be paid online. This process should also be completed in the 2nd quarter of this year.

NEW! Interactive Permit MapBuilding Services is happy to announce the completion of a new interactive GIS application for permits. Users will be able to search by address for current building permits, all building permits, and expired building permits. Once a customer locates an address, there are links to search for more information in Citizen Access and Public Records, enhancing the customer’s experience and functionality. We welcome you to try it and provide feedback on any improvements. Try the layer tab or the "filter building permits" tool under the home tab to further enhance your experience. You can find this new application here:GIS Permit Map

Contractor LicensingBuilding Services has begun reviewing City Code for contractor licensing. This effort includes the City of Loveland and Larimer County’s building departments. By working in conjunction with our surrounding communities for this evaluation and rewrite of City Code, we are hopeful that we will be able to reciprocate with each other, making licensing across our communities in the northern front range a streamlined obtainable goal for those we serve. We anticipate this project to be completed by October for presentation to City Council for adoption. The proposed adoption date for changes will be January 1, 2022.

Plan Review Turnaround Times

  • Current target date to be reviewed: 02/19/2021

  • Days past target date: 0 days

  • Number of permits behind on target date: 0 applications out of 57 applications

  • Percent of permits behind target date: 0%

See detailed graph here: Plan Review Turnaround

Building Services Guidelines for COVID-19 InspectionsFor information on what inspections can and cannot be provided in-person, which inspections may be eligible for Remote Video Inspections (RVI), and details on our on-site inspection safety protocols, click here. If you are in need of an RVI, please click here for the RVI process guidelines.

Code DevelopmentFort Collins has begun a joint code adoption process with other building departments in our region. This collaboration effort will take place over the next several months. By working together on a joint code adoption process, our hope is to align local amendments making compliance simplified for those we serve. Meetings with area Building Officials have started. We will be seeking industry professionals to be on a joint code adoption committee. This committee should include people that work in the City of Fort Collins, City of Loveland and Larimer County. We ask that all our customers/stakeholders take an active role in this process. By working together to develop standards that work for all, we can ensure that our citizens and your customers have the ability to utilize up-to-date code requirements. This will also allow for use of current materials and methods for all construction projects. If you have an interest in serving our community, please contact me. Proposed Timeline:

  • March 25, 2021: Present to the Building Review Board potential nominations for the Code Adoption Committee.

  • April 15, 2021: Staff review completed.

  • April 15, 2021 - August 15, 2021: Hold public meetings of the Code Adoption Committee.

    • During these meeting we will review significant changes to the 2021 family of International Code and proposed local amendments.

    • Based on the comments, feedback, and suggestions from the Committee and the public, we will be preparing a presentation for City Council consideration to adopt the 2021 family of International Code.

  • August 15, 2021: Committee review and recommendations complete.

  • August 15, 2021 - October 2021: Building Services to present the 2021 Code adoption with local amendments to various City of Fort Collins Boards and Commissions.

  • October 2021: Building Services to present the 2021 Code with local amendments to City Council for adoption.

    • We will be proposing an adoption date of January 1, 2022.

Access FREE Digital ICC Codes here:Digital ICC Codes

Fugutive DustConstruction projects can be a significant contributor to air pollution in the form of fugitive dust.

  • On May 3, 2016 the City of Fort Collins City Council unanimously passed Ordinance No. 044, 2016, which amended Chapter 12 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins. This ordinance, more commonly known as the Fugitive Dust Ordinance, creates new requirements for all owners and operators of dust generating activities to control off-property or off-vehicle transport of fugitive dust. A Dust Prevention and Control Manual has also been adopted which outlines required Best Management Practices (BMPs) for common dust generating activities.

  • Enforcement of this ordinance began on November 1, 2016. If you are the owner or operator of a potential dust generating activity or source, it is your responsibility to ensure that dust levels are controlled to the best extent possible. Failure to comply with the Fugitive Dust Ordinance regulations could result in enforcement action, including civil penalties.

  • More information, including the Dust Prevention and Control Manual, Municipal Code Language and FAQ's, can be found here: Fugitive Dust

More InformationContinue reading to see the following articles from Utilities:

  1. Epic Homes Program

  2. Efficiency Works Online Training

  3. Building Energy and Water Scoring

For additional information about City of Fort Collins Building Services, visit:Building Services

Epic Homes ProgramIs your home or rental property uncomfortable? It doesn’t have to be that way. Epic Homes makes efficiency upgrades easy with discounted energy assessments, substantial rebates and attractive financing options. It also includes a voluntary indoor environmental quality study and a certificate to document the energy upgrades in your home. Check out this overview of the program. Epic Homes is safely offering in-home services and invites you to take advantage of a $60* home energy assessment (up to a $600 value) for your home or rental property. Epic Homes has generous incentives for over 25 energy efficiency upgrades, including HVAC updates, windows, insulation and air sealing. At project completion, you will receive an Epic Certificate listing the home’s pre- and post-Home Energy Score and all the improvements made through the program. Worried about upfront costs? Fort Collins Utilities offers easy, low interest rate financing options with no money down and terms up to 15 years. Simply pay for the upgrades on your monthly utility bill. Wondering what an Epic Home looks like? This virtual home tour will take you through an Epic Home in Fort Collins and point out the efficiency features that are not always apparent. Don’t miss out. Start by scheduling an Epic Homes Assessment by calling 877-981-1888. For more information, visit: Epic Homes

Online TrainingEfficiency Works continues to provide online trainings. Upcoming events: Efficiency Works Business: Service provider feedback sessions March 1, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Hosted virtually Meet one-on-one with an Efficiency Works Business team member to share your feedback and help us refine our programs. Review your organization’s 2021 energy savings metrics so far, share any challenges you may be having and discuss goals for 2022. After registering for this event, an Efficiency Works team member will reach out to schedule a 30-minute session between now and early March. Water Efficiency - Use the Rebates June - Details to come Stop flushing money down the drain. Efficiency Works Business offers water efficiency incentives to replace wasteful water devices. Learn about new ways to market water rebates as an addition to efficiency program offerings. Stay updated on the schedule here: Efficiency Works Events

Building Energy and Water Scoring2021 reporting is now available for the Building Energy and Water Scoring ordinance at This year, commercial buildings 10,000 square feet and above and multifamily buildings 20,000 square feet and above are covered by the ordinance and required to report. To help you streamline this process, Fort Collins Utilities now offers automated uploads of your utility usage into your Energy Star Portfolio Manager account, available at Find your building ID at and instructions on how to comply at, as well as links to recorded and upcoming trainings at Questions? Email

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Hours: Monday - Friday 9am-4pm

1907 North Boise Avenue Unit 1,

Loveland, Colorado 80538

© 2020 Home Builders Association of Northern Colorado 

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